I spend my days hiding the window to my soul
Keep it hidden and pretend it is whole
Put on an act for those around
Refuse to let them see me frown
Cant let them see the shame of loneliness or the crippling pain
Put up pretty walls so I'll never get hurt again
I smile and pretend that I'm having fun
Live it up not for me but for everyone
Then I retreat to my emotional cage
No longer having to be tough or brave
Pacing and lurking like a tiger pent up, full of rage
Cant see straight, cant think past the flame
Damn I am burning alive in my own space
Mouth open wide, cant you hear me scream
Your silence cuts like a knife, don't you see me bleed
I stand before you, open, naked and raw
This is who I am, not the woman you think you saw
Scared of the fact that I'm willing, wanting to let you in
Let down my walls, begin to trust again
I don't know if I can deal though
But I'm finding hard to let you go
Written January, 25th, 2011
By Shenel Christian and Jaydon N. Foster
Great piece, a new perspective of what a lot of people feel. Makes me wonder when we decided it was best not to show people who we are and why we made that decision.